Categories: Info Pedidikan

Data industry in 2024

Explore the five trends shaping the data industry in 2024

Last year, generative AI exploded onto the scene. Find out what’s in store for your data stack and your data teams this year.

2024 Data and AI trends report

Your company is ready for generative AI. But is your data? In the AI-powered era, many organizations are scrambling to keep pace with the changes rippling across the entire data stack. 

This new report from Google Cloud shares the findings from a recent survey of business and IT leaders about their goals and strategies for harnessing gen AI — and what it means for their data. 

Get your copy to explore these five trends emerging from the survey: 

  • Gen AI will speed the delivery of insights across organizations
  • The roles of data and AI will blur
  • Data governance weaknesses will be exposed
  • Operational data will unlock gen AI potential for enterprise apps
  • 2024 will be the year of rapid data platform modernization

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